Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Elizabeth

On Thursday my beautiful, energetic first born turned 9.  Where has the time gone?  We had a fun day on Thursday going to the High Desert Museum, Pappy’s Pizza with friends, Karate classes, and Skippers for the much wanted bread bowl of clam chowder!  Finally we headed home for presents and cake.  What a fun day! 

Here are a few photos from the day.   

First thing in the morning.

June 2010 001 

I’m 9 today!

June 2010 004June 2010 012


Sister Love!

June 2010 013

Our trip to the High Desert Museum.

June 2010 017

Digging for dinosaur bones.

June 2010 032

Climbing the spider web.

June 2010 042 

What a  sweet girl.

June 2010 072 

Elizabeth’s Skipper’s bread bowl of clam chowder.June 2010 094

June 2010 090


Tinkerbell cake.

June 2010 098June 2010 100 June 2010 102 June 2010 104 June 2010 116

Sunday, May 23, 2010

SOOC Sunday

I love this girl!  Here is Bekah feeding Baby Baby (yes, she named the doll) her breakfast of eggs (and some type of beverage).  I guess it is important to accessorize to feed your baby!         

                                                  May 2010 025

Straight Out Of the Camera Saturday or Sunday (SOOC) is hosted by Slurping Life.  Simply post an unedited photo on your blog and link up here.  Have fun!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

SOOC Saturday

February 2002 030

Elizabeth, age 9 months

I love my thumb, my square blanket, my puppy (yellow), and my foot!  What a sweet baby.

Straight Out Of the Camera Saturday (SOOC Saturday) is hosted by Slurping Life.  Simply post an unedited photo on your blog and link up here.  Have fun!

Friday, April 30, 2010

It’s That Time of Year Again

Yes, it is April.  Supposedly it is spring, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by the weather (though our grass seems to know it is spring!).  Those things aside, it is the time of year where I get the overwhelming desire to plan our next school year!  (Yes, it is the simple things in life that make me happy.)

Here is the thing…I love to plan curriculum, research curriculum, make schedules, plan lessons…it is kind of addicting!  The thing I don’t like so much is the teaching part.  I don’t mind the teaching part, if I have kids that actually cooperate and there are no tears or bad attitude or flying pencils. THEN, I even kind of enjoy the teaching parts too. 

When they cooperate, they are pretty cute.

April 2010 007

April 2010 002

My goal this upcoming school year is to streamline our curriculum, get Bekah ready for Kindergarten, and have Elizabeth working at her true school level, not necessarily the grade she should be in.

We started this process with spelling.  Elizabeth is an amazing speller.  Often times her errors are only one letter within the word.  We have been going through, level by level, her spelling books.  This has been great, even though I have contemplated skipping a book or two.   Elizabeth loves spelling and the program we use.  We are currently using A Reason for Spelling

I originally picked this curriculum because I love the weekly stories that we read together.   I also love that the verse that goes along with the spelling program is also the verse used in A Reason for Handwriting.   However, since we often do more than one spelling lesson in a week this doesn’t usually work out too well.

The other day I gave Elizabeth the placement test for A Reason for Spelling.  She is currently working in Book D (4th grade).  She should be working in Book F (grade 6).  Come fall, this is where we will be, our last year of spelling.  She was a bit upset (because she likes the stories), so I told her she could just read the out of the teacher’s guides the stories she will miss (I already bought Book E) and she was okay with this. 

One subject down….many more to go.  Stay tuned for more posts about curriculum :)!  Up next, math….

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Oh, laundry…  What is there to say, it need to be done.  Really, I don’t mind DOING the laundry.  It is the folding and putting away part that I really dislike.  Okay, truth be told, I really don’t like the idea of folding laundry, but once I get started it is not so bad.  I really dislike putting away the laundry.

I make my own laundry soap.  Yes, I know you can buy it, but the stuff you can make is sooo much nicer, cheaper, and better for your body.  A batch lasts several months and does not really take much time to make.  Check out the recipe I use at Recipezaar.  I double the recipe and use a 5 gallon bucket with a lid.  For fabric softener I use white vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser.  About 1/4 cup and my clothes are as soft as soft can be without all the chemicals in commercial softener.  

Monday at our house is laundry day.  I do all of the laundry that is put in the dirty laundry baskets.  If it is not in with the dirty laundry it does not get washed and will not get  washed until the following Monday.   This has made the task of doing the laundry much more enjoyable. 

The Laundry Pile

Tuesday I fold all of the laundry.  It probably takes 30-45 minutes to fold everything.  Well, almost everything.  Elizabeth needs to fold her own laundry.  If you saw her dresser drawers you would understand.  There was no point in me folding her laundry and her unfolding it to put it away….don’t ask, I don’t get it. 


Once all of the laundry is folded into individual baskets (we each have one and one for towels), everyone is in charge of putting away their own stuff.  Yes, even Bekah.  Yes, I know she is only 4, but she knows where her stuff goes, she can do it!  She carries the basket to her room herself and puts her stuff away.  I hang what needs to be hung up in the closet.   A job that should take about 15 minutes typically takes her about 45, but I don’t have to do it!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Happiest Place in Central Oregon

Where is the happiest place in Central Oregon you ask.  In my humble opinion it is Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch.  You need to go to their web site to read what they are all about!  This place is quiet, peaceful, tranquil, peaceful, calm, peaceful… 

Elizabeth rides twice a month at CPYR.  She loves the horses, loves the leaders, loves the environment, just plain loves the whole thing.   This is her time to shine, away from mom and her little sister, she brings joy to all of the leaders.  I am constantly told what a delight she is to work with!   The ranch provides this opportunity for kids just to be kids. 

Last Wednesday we all had a fabulous time out at the ranch.  Elizabeth chose to ride Phoebe (also knows and Phoenix).   Her biggest struggle is which horse to ride.  She wants to be fair to the horses she likes and often asks if they miss her when we are away.  :)

So Wednesday we headed out to CPYR.  We were not sure what the day would hold because we woke up to this…April 2010 095 

Yes, it is April, and yes, things are starting to bloom.  The white stuff is getting old….FAST. Needless to say, Elizabeth was extremely upset because she may not get to ride.  However, we head out regardless of the weather because the leaders will play games with the kids if the weather is not conducive to riding.  Plus, you never know what can happen around here is just a few short hours.

As it turns out, she did get to ride!  She was sure on happy, happy girl.  

Cleaning horseshoes

April 2010 134

Getting sprayer to brush Phoebe’s main and tail.

April 2010 155

April 2010 159 

Putting away the supplies before riding time.

April 2010 166 April 2010 168 April 2010 170

Phoebe needed a little time to run, so they led her to the pen and let her run for about 5 minutes.  Elizabeth is watching her.

April 2010 174

April 2010 182


This day Elizabeth chose to ride bareback in the Sandy Pants Arena. 

April 2010 223April 2010 199 April 2010 200 April 2010 203 

Great riding and a fun day!

April 2010 238 April 2010 240

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Many Faces of Bekah

Bekah makes me laugh.  I was taking pictures of her yesterday and she was making funny faces at me.  These pictures really show her personality and the faces of Bekah I see daily!

April 2010 113

April 2010 116   April 2010 114

April 2010 118

April 2010 120

April 2010 122

April 2010 124

April 2010 125

 April 2010 126

April 2010 115

Monday, April 19, 2010


I have a love/hate relationship with breakfast.  I love to eat it, I hate that it is in the morning and I hate that I have to make it.  Breakfast is the hardest thing for me to be motivated to make.  Really, the only motivation to be in the kitchen in the morning is my coffee….lots and lots of yummy, hot, black coffee (well, at least it starts out black). 

At one point, about a year ago, I was super organized and I had a breakfast menu.  This was easy…get up, look at the menu, make breakfast.  Without the menu breakfast goes something like this, “What do you want for breakfast?”  “Cereal!”  Okay, get it out, I’ll get the bowls.  Quick, easy.  Only one problem.  About 60 to 90 minutes later, everyone is hungry. 

So, what is a mom to do…make a good, hearty breakfast I guess.  My goal for the next few weeks is to try a new recipe a week.  Then we will go from there on menu planning and breakfast cooking. 

This week I made two yummy, delicious, thought not necessarily the healthiest breakfasts.  Last Monday, I made baking powder cinnamon rolls.  Why not yeast cinnamon rolls you may ask?  The main reason, time.  When I get it in my head I want cinnamon rolls I want them for breakfast THAT morning.  These rolls were quick, yummy, soft and not at all biscuit like.  Give them a try!

Yesterday I wanted cinnamon rolls for breakfast, but I didn’t even have time to make the quick ones before church.  So, I dug out my Nana’s old The Boston Cooking School Cookbook, copyright 1942.  In this book I found the best, easiest recipe for coffee cake.  Not cinnamon rolls, but a close second!   It was made (with help) and baked in 30 minutes.  Here is the recipe.

Quick Coffee Cake

1 cup sugar

1 2/3 cups flour

2 tsp baking powder

1/4 cup butter (I slightly melted mine)

1 egg, well beaten

1/2 cup milk

Mix dry ingredients.  Work in butter.  Add egg and milk.  Pat into buttered (cooking sprayed) pan (I used a 9” cake pan).  Mix 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 3 tsp sugar and sprinkle over top.  Bake in moderately hot oven (about 375) for about 20 minutes.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

SOOC Sunday

I have always wanted to do something like this, so here it goes.  Straight out of camera Saturday (or Sunday) hosted by Slurping Life.   Here is Bekah at Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch.  I love those glasses!

March-April 2010 213

If you would like to enter a photo in SOOC Saturday (or Sunday) just post an unedited photo!  When you are done head on over to Slurping Life and add your info to the linky!  Simple.  Fun.  Enjoy.