Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Happiest Place in Central Oregon

Where is the happiest place in Central Oregon you ask.  In my humble opinion it is Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch.  You need to go to their web site to read what they are all about!  This place is quiet, peaceful, tranquil, peaceful, calm, peaceful… 

Elizabeth rides twice a month at CPYR.  She loves the horses, loves the leaders, loves the environment, just plain loves the whole thing.   This is her time to shine, away from mom and her little sister, she brings joy to all of the leaders.  I am constantly told what a delight she is to work with!   The ranch provides this opportunity for kids just to be kids. 

Last Wednesday we all had a fabulous time out at the ranch.  Elizabeth chose to ride Phoebe (also knows and Phoenix).   Her biggest struggle is which horse to ride.  She wants to be fair to the horses she likes and often asks if they miss her when we are away.  :)

So Wednesday we headed out to CPYR.  We were not sure what the day would hold because we woke up to this…April 2010 095 

Yes, it is April, and yes, things are starting to bloom.  The white stuff is getting old….FAST. Needless to say, Elizabeth was extremely upset because she may not get to ride.  However, we head out regardless of the weather because the leaders will play games with the kids if the weather is not conducive to riding.  Plus, you never know what can happen around here is just a few short hours.

As it turns out, she did get to ride!  She was sure on happy, happy girl.  

Cleaning horseshoes

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Getting sprayer to brush Phoebe’s main and tail.

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April 2010 159 

Putting away the supplies before riding time.

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Phoebe needed a little time to run, so they led her to the pen and let her run for about 5 minutes.  Elizabeth is watching her.

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April 2010 182


This day Elizabeth chose to ride bareback in the Sandy Pants Arena. 

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Great riding and a fun day!

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