Thursday, April 29, 2010


Oh, laundry…  What is there to say, it need to be done.  Really, I don’t mind DOING the laundry.  It is the folding and putting away part that I really dislike.  Okay, truth be told, I really don’t like the idea of folding laundry, but once I get started it is not so bad.  I really dislike putting away the laundry.

I make my own laundry soap.  Yes, I know you can buy it, but the stuff you can make is sooo much nicer, cheaper, and better for your body.  A batch lasts several months and does not really take much time to make.  Check out the recipe I use at Recipezaar.  I double the recipe and use a 5 gallon bucket with a lid.  For fabric softener I use white vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser.  About 1/4 cup and my clothes are as soft as soft can be without all the chemicals in commercial softener.  

Monday at our house is laundry day.  I do all of the laundry that is put in the dirty laundry baskets.  If it is not in with the dirty laundry it does not get washed and will not get  washed until the following Monday.   This has made the task of doing the laundry much more enjoyable. 

The Laundry Pile

Tuesday I fold all of the laundry.  It probably takes 30-45 minutes to fold everything.  Well, almost everything.  Elizabeth needs to fold her own laundry.  If you saw her dresser drawers you would understand.  There was no point in me folding her laundry and her unfolding it to put it away….don’t ask, I don’t get it. 


Once all of the laundry is folded into individual baskets (we each have one and one for towels), everyone is in charge of putting away their own stuff.  Yes, even Bekah.  Yes, I know she is only 4, but she knows where her stuff goes, she can do it!  She carries the basket to her room herself and puts her stuff away.  I hang what needs to be hung up in the closet.   A job that should take about 15 minutes typically takes her about 45, but I don’t have to do it!


Niecey said...

I have the same problem. I started making my kids put away their own cloths about the same age as Bekah too. I just have issues folding and am too much of a freak about how they are folded to let the kids do it :)